Sacchetto SpA, a leading Italian Company in the production of Starches and Derivatives, in the context of welfare policies, has recognized its employees an extra bonus of 600€ each, in the form of fringe benefits.

This sign of appreciation, unrelated to state support, was given to all employees of the Lagnasco production Plant together with the thirteenth month’s salary.

This support comes from the Company in order to cope with the increasing costs and so to help all its collaborators to face the difficult situation deriving from high inflation, and high energy bills.

The Company, which is now in its third generation of Family Management, has always been committed to building a cohesive work team to protect and support over time, as a promoter of Business Development.

“We close a record year despite the adversities faced. An encouraging result for an energy-driven reality like ours”

said the Board

“Achieved by teamwork and in line with Corporate Strategies, oriented towards continuous innovation and efficiency with extraordinary measures in response to this emergency situation”