

Worldwide shipping

The company, run by the third generation of the Sacchetto family, exports products worldwide, to every continent and, currently, to more than 40 different countries. To better manage the shipment of our ingredients, we only choose the most appropriate shipping options for each specific product. Thanks to our professional customer care and support service that guarantees the best shipping company for the customer’s individual needs, the management of shipments, both national and international, is punctual and efficient.

Our company is located in Italy and sells wholesale, so a minimum order quantity (MOQ) is required, depending on the country and continent of export.

Our products straight to your company


Minimum delivery quantity

The delivery is organised and customised according to your requests. In addition, we recommend that you refer to the following delivery tables: 

European Union

Other countries


Type of packaging

Sacchetto - Spedizioni - Pedana

Bags per pallet

Sacchetto - Spedizioni - Big Bag

Big bag

Sacchetto - Spedizioni - Autocisterna

Tank truck

Sacchetto - Spedizioni - Autobotte

Container / Tank container